Be inspired.
We all have a story. A beginning. A middle. An end.
Hope lives all around us. Will we choose to invite it in to reside in our hearts and souls? While I was in the battle for my life, fighting Stage 3 Breast Cancer, I was frightened, anxious, and uncertain what to believe. What I had known as fact and truth one moment, was a lie in the next. My body had lied to me, like a two-timing lover promising uncompromised devotion. I wasn’t the healthy person I believed I was. I might not live long enough to be that ancient, old lady with a long gray braid down her back, who people admired for her grand adventures. I might not publish all of the books I had yet to write. What might I be…believe?
It didn’t come in a miraculous flash of light, but I discovered a few things in the months that followed. I HAD to take the walk (often on all fours). . .on the path that led to the battlefield of surgeries, chemo, radiation, and more surgery. That was the easy part. I also discovered that I needed to make that walk with hope. I wanted to live in hope.
So, I chose to do that and found inspiration to do that in the stories of those on the battlefield with me - the warriors, survivors, caregivers, and families. I want you to be inspired by them too. This is how and where the Story of Hope was born - for you.